
Secretary General (since 2022)

He had worked for TEPSCO [Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd.] as an engineer for over 40 years and had been involved as a concrete specialist for material mix design, design of construction methods and temperature control planning for five concrete dams exceeding 100 meter high. His expertise has been developed with abundant knowledge of concrete characteristic, especially in freeze-thaw properties and experiences in FEM transient analysis on temperature and stress behavior of dam concrete. In 1997, he received the JSCE [Japan Society of Civil Engineers] Yoshida Award for Outstanding Concrete Researcher for his paper on the prediction of deterioration of concrete subjected to freeze-thaw action. He continued his research and received his doctorate in engineering in 2007.  He has participated many ICOLD meetings and contributed with technical papers for symposiums. He retired from TEPSCO in 2021 and is now the Secretary General of JCOLD.

P.E.Jp. (Civil Engineering (Materials & Structures; River, Coastal & Ocean Engineering))Dr. Eng. (Hosei Univ.), MS, BA (Civil Engineering, Hosei Univ.)