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会誌「大ダム」を年4回発行しております。その他の出版物としては、3年に一度のICOLD大会には日本のダムに関する建設と技術情報を紹介する英文版の “Dams in Japan”(1994年まで)と“Current Activities on Dams in Japan” (1997年以降)を発行し、ICOLD大会参加者に配布し高く評価されています。
購読料は年4回(1、4、7、10月の各月)発刊で年間4,400円(送料含む)です。 定期購読申込書 Icon word Icon pdf

Year Host Country Question Paper Title Author
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 91 Dam safety management Dam safety limits for society - Comparison with road traffic and Nuclear power Thedeen T. (Sweden)
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 91 Dam safety management Joint development of a risk management and assessment strategy for federal dam and levee owners. Halpin E., Becker B., Harkness A., Snorteland N.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 91 Dam safety management A 3-D dam facility model for improved dam safety assessment Wester K., Berntsson S., Jansson T., Lindstrom L., Hartford D.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 91 Dam safety management Re-instrumentation of the interface between the buttress and the rockfill dam at the Itaipu hydroelectric power plant Fiorini A. S., Piton C. L., Zanutto Ribeiro J. A., Frazao Matos S.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 91 Dam safety management Structural reliability analysis - A framework for roller-compacted concrete dams Kruger C. M., Neto A. C., Kruger D. A. V.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 91 Dam safety management Flood management after the construction of High Aswan Dam Kamal M. M.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 91 Dam safety management Analyse et mod_lisation du comportement des ouvrages de g_nie civil par la prise en compte des temp_ratures de l'air : m_thode H.S.T. thermique Penot I., Fabre JP., Daumas B.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 91 Dam safety management Rehabilitation safeguards the twenty years old facing of Anapo pumpedstorage power plant in Sicily Forte E., Gualzetti G., Federico F., Jappelli R.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 2009 communications Multiple sluices with small gates instead of surface type spillways controlled by enormous tainter type gates Bacaltchuk J.S.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 2009 communications Valleys shape influence on the volume, safety factor, and arch effect of high CFRD recently built in Brazil Znamensky D.
2009 Brasilia, Brazil 2009 communications Analyse et mod_lisation du comportement des ouvrages de g_nie civil par la prise en compte des temperatures de l'air : m_thode H.S.T. thermique Penot, I., Fabre, J-p., Daumas, B.