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会誌「大ダム」を年4回発行しております。その他の出版物としては、3年に一度のICOLD大会には日本のダムに関する建設と技術情報を紹介する英文版の “Dams in Japan”(1994年まで)と“Current Activities on Dams in Japan” (1997年以降)を発行し、ICOLD大会参加者に配布し高く評価されています。
購読料は年4回(1、4、7、10月の各月)発刊で年間4,400円(送料含む)です。 定期購読申込書 Icon word Icon pdf

No Published Year Title
146 2016 Dams and Resettlement – Lessons learnt and recommendations
145 Rough Copy The physical properties of hardened conventional concrete in dams
144 2011 Cost savings in Dams
143 2013 Historical review on ancient Dams
142 2012 bulletin on safe passage of extreme floods
141 2011 Concrete face Rockfill Dams - Concepts for design and construction
139 2011 Improving tailings dam safety - Critical aspects of management, design, operation and closure.
138 2009 General approach to Dam Surveillance
137 2011 Reservoirs and seismicity - State of knowledge
136 2009 The specification and quality control of Concrete for Dams
135 2010 Geomembrane sealings systems for Dams
134 2008 Weak Rocks and shales in Dams
133 2008 Embankment Dams on Permafrost
132 2008 Shared Rivers : Principles and practices
131 2006 Role of Dams in Flood Mitigation - A review
130 2005 Risk Assessment in Dam Safety Management. A reconnaissance of Benefits. Methods and Current Applications
129 2005 Dam Foundations. Geologic considerations. Investigation Methods. Treatment. Monitoring
128 2004 Management of reservoir water quality - Introduction and recommendations
127 2004 Remote sensing for reservoir water quality management - Examples of initiatives
126 2003 Roller-compacted concrete dams - State of the art and case histories
125 2003 Dams and floods - Guidelines and case histories
124 2002 Reservoir landslides : investigation and management - Guidelines and case histories
123 2002 Seismic design and evaluation of structures appurtenant to dams
122 2001 Computational procedures for dam engineering - Reliability and applicability
121 2001 Tailings dams risk of dangerous occurences - Lessons learnt from practical experiences
120 2001 Design features of dams to resist seismic ground motion
119 2000 Rehabilitation of dams and appurtenant works - State of the art and case histories
118 2000 Automated dam monitoring systems - Guidelines and case histories
117 2000 The gravity dam : a dam for the future - Review and recommendations
116 1999 Dams and fishes - Review and recommendations
115 1999 Dealing with reservoir sedimentaiton
114 1999 Embankment dams with bituminous concrete facing
113 1999 Seismic observation of dams-Guidelines and case studies
112 1998 Neotectonic and dams - Recommendations and case histories
111 1998 Dam Break flood analysis - Review and recommendations
110 1998 Cost impact of rules, criteria and specifications - Review and recommendations
109 1998 Dams less than 30 m high - Cost savings and safety improvements
108 1997 Cost of flood control in dams - Review and recommendations
107 1997 Concrete dams - Control and treatment of cracks.
106 1996 A guide to Tailings Dams and impoundments - Design, construction, use and rehabilitation
105 1996 Dams and related structures in cold climate - Design guidelines and case studies
104 1996 Monitoring of Tailings Dams - Review and Recommendations
103 1996 Tailings Dams and Environment - Review and Recommendations
102 1996 Vibrations of Hydraulic Equipment for dams - Review and Recommendations
101 1995 Tailings Dams. Transport. Placement. Decantation - Review and recommendations
100 1995 Dam and environment - Ridracoli : A model achievement
99 1995 Dam Failures - Statistical Analysis
98 1995 Tailings Dams and Seismicity - Review and Recommendations
97 1994 Tailings Dams - Design of drainage